Saturday, May 26, 2012

Healthy Tips for Picnic Celebrations ? Habits of Health

05 26 Healthy Tips for Picnic Celebrations

Posted in Lori's Weekly Notes

Holidays such as Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, or any picnic holiday can cause break downs in our otherwise healthy eating plan.? It is extremely important to be very aware that picnics can pack literally thousands of calories that we would not normally indulge in.? So, what should you do?

1.? Continue to practice your healthy eating habits on the picnic day.? Do not skip meals or save calories for the ?big meal?.? That sets you up to overeat!!!

2. If going to a party or picnic, offer to bring an appetizer and side dish.? That way you can guarantee there will be healthy choices for you.

3. Be watchful of your portions and choose NOT to have the desert!! Instead, maybe bring a box of sugar free popcycles to share with the crowd or have a cup of coffee instead!.

4. Make sure that you do not slack off from your daily exercise routine the day of the picnic. ?Try adding 10 or 15-minute brisk walks twice that day with available family members or the partygoers. Plan active activities such as crochet, bike riding, or taking a hike instead of sitting around and talking or watching TV.

5. If you are throwing the party, have lots of vegetables available, and instead of chips, choose a low carb low sugar variety of snack such as Medifast Puffs or Pretzels. Prepare lower fat dips and offer salsa. Explain to your guests in advance you?re?determination to make this a healthier holiday celebration, and ask them to keep this in mind when preparing any dish they may be bringing.

6. Stay away from high calorie beverages such as sodas, juices, smoothies, and blended coffee drinks. There are nearly 150 calories in one 12-ounce can of soda or juice. Smoothies and coffee drinks are often 250-500 calories, excluding the whipped cream. Alcohol is packed full of calories and carbs. It can also cause you to let down your defenses and overeat or make poor food choices. All of these indulgences will set you back

7 I suggest to have a low glycemic protein snack before going to the cookout such as a Protein Bar or Shake. Medifast is a great low calorie, low glycemic protein meal replacement which I prefer over other meal replacements.

8. At the picnic choose healthy foods and stay away from the chips and bread and High glycemic foods such as corn.

9. If the cookout is at your house, send some of the left-overs home with your guests, especially the desserts!!

10. Remember to eat slowly, which will help you to eat less and feel full and satisfied.

11. Habits are habit forming? People form habits but habits transform people! Let?s Take Shape for Life! Let?s transform our thinking to become choosy about what we eat. Let?s make it a habit to select healthy foods and plan to integrate Medifast foods as part of our ?prescription for life?!

Have a Happy and Healthy Picnic!!!!



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