Thursday, February 23, 2012

List Building Mastery ? Internet Business ? How To?

List Building Exposed!

Dear Valued Reader,

Thank you for investing your time in this special book, which is likened to the key to your list building success! List building is very, very critical to the success of any business ? online or offline. And it applies whether you own a small, medium or big-sized business.

Brick-n-mortar companies invest a great effort in collecting prospective leads. Network Marketers often begin with writing a list of 100 names of people they know. And as an Online Business owner, you should focus on building your Online Mailing List.

Now list building isn?t exactly a riddle? as long as you know what to do, and how to do it. Incidentally, that is the aim of this book ? to show you how to get started on building your mailing list using multiple, unique and different techniques that add TARGETED leads to your database at as low cost as possible.

Yet you can profit wildly in the process. As more than one technique is discussed in this book, you have my word that at least one or more techniques would suit you ? or anyone. Of course, it would be wiser to practice more than one list building technique simultaneously to observe greater results.

Without further ado, let?s move on with the first tenderfoot list building technique?

Chapter 1: Search Engine Optimization

Without a doubt, one of the most effective ways in which you, as a website owner, can set up a potential list of clients is to build an email list of those who visit.

SEO Introduced

By being able to better interact on a more ?one on one? platform, you can quickly convert those who would otherwise simply browse around on your website and then leave into potential sales and money in your pocket.

The profit potential does not stop there though, as with a well constructed email list filled with people from all walks of life, you can even entice your subscribers to visiting your website more often than they normally would ? setting you up to enhance your site?s moneymaking ability even more through various advertisements.

So as you can see, the email list is one of the most important tools in any webmaster?s repertoire and if you want your online business, no matter what it is, to be as successful as possible then you will need to spend a lot of time perfecting that email list.

Now, you are probably thinking that sure, an email list is great, but let?s not get ahead of ourselves ? there are many more steps to be done before we can actually start directly marketing to people on an email list.

SEO ? Step-by-Step

First, we actually have to get the visitors to our website before we can even dream of adding them to our mailing lists. A few years back with the rise of popular search engines like Yahoo and Google, a group of cunning marketers, probably not unlike yourself, decided that the best way to get random people and potential customers to visit their websites was to take advantage of search engine technology.

They figured that if you could code a website and write content for it that designed with the sole purpose of moving that page?s status in any given search engine to the top, then they would be able to receive far more visitors than anyone ever thought possible.

In today?s web design world, the theory of search engine optimization, or SEO as it is often referred to, is an extremely popular topic among web designers and online business owners from all walks of life ? no matter what they are selling or if they are even selling anything at all.

With so many competing websites in your chosen field or niche the only hope that you may have to rise above the seventeenth page of Google is to make sure that your website is as optimized for search engines as it can possibly be.

Because SEO is so popular these days there are hundreds of different websites out there that claim they have the answers to make sure that your page is among the top ten on all of the big three search engines: Yahoo, MSN and Google.

However, if you take these tips and tricks on their own, you will quickly discover that there are far too many for you to take in. Perhaps the case is that everyone thinks they have the solution to the SEO problem ? but nobody really does, so they just make things up hoping they will attract more visitors to their own websites.

Therefore, when scouring the World Wide Web for all sorts of information on how to make sure that your website is optimized for search engines, it is a great idea to compare and contrast the information you find at one website with the information you find at others.

Comparing and contrasting is tedious though, so to get you started, we have already done a bit of the tough legwork for you so you can jump right onto the SEO bandwagon and get your email lists up and running in no time.

Search Engine Optimization Tips

The first of our comprehensive SEO tips for those looking to establish their own mailing lists is to make sure that your website is as straightforward as it possibly can be.

Anything that deviates from the ordinary, whether it be Adobe Flash integration, crazy layout schemes or the use of dynamic URLs for certain pages under your domain can be disastrous to the budding web designer who is trying to take advantage of SEO for the first time.

Secondly, be specific with the keywords that you select for your website. Far too often, a person who is looking to get into optimization will select a perfectly good keyword but it will be far too general.

What you are looking for are specific keywords, keywords that are searched relatively often but lack the heavy competition of more generic keywords. After all, suppose you put ?book? in as your keyword.

That?s all well and good, but to be perfectly honest, your website will probably never compete with the likes of Amazon or Barnes and Noble, so be more specific. Consider something more along the lines of ?antique book,? ?first run book? or something like that instead.

Finally, be sure to direct your entire website to the optimization cause. If you want to bring in the traffic (and keep potential customers around for awhile) you will have to have great content. That is a no-brainer.

But did you know that you can make other parts of your website work for you too? Yes, take advantage of adding your chosen keywords to the header portion of your HTML document, make the titles of your website contain the keyword too, and do not forget to use the ?alt? image tags to proudly display your chosen keywords as well.

After you think you have a fully mature search engine optimized website up and running, your next step should be to focus on your mailing list. Tweak and tune your content to make sure that it is good enough to make people stick around on your website and offer visitors something that will make them want to join your mailing list.

Promise to give people on your mailing lists essential updates, one time only offers, or whatever else you think is good enough to make them sign up to your email list. Often, the most creative ideas are the most successful, so go wild with your ideas and you will have a successful email list in no time.

Chapter 2: Article Marketing

How many different email marketing lists do you belong to? If your mailbox is anything like mine, then you probably have subscribed yourself to quite a few during your browsing sessions online.

Whether the emails that you get are from other businesses that may be able to provide you with goods or services that you simply cannot get anywhere else for the price, for musicians who you like to keep an eye on in hopes that they will visit your city sometime soon or from bloggers who have great articles in your eyes ? your email box is probably filled to the brim with notifications that you subscribed to at some point or another.

Now that you are considering moving into the realm of the online business, it is high time that you learn to take advantage of the power of an email list and notification program. Potential clients and random visitors alike love notification lists, as it keeps them up to date on what you?ve got going on without them having to visit your website every moment of every day. People like things to be easy ? and that is exactly what an email list is giving them ? easy access to information on your website when they want it.

At this point in your career as a blossoming webmaster, you probably do not know too much about the whole web design thing. However, even with your potential lack of experience, you have probably realized that it takes a well designed website with some killer content to draw people in and make them stick around.

While terms like article marketing and SEO may elude you, it does not take a rocket scientist to realize that you have got to have good, enjoyable, enlightening information on your website to make your guests want to stick around ? and one of the best ways to do so is to be involved in an article marketing program.

So What Exactly Is Article Marketing?

Quite simply it is just as it sounds ? marketing your articles and taking advantage of articles written by other people to bring traffic to your own website. Because of the definition, there are two very different ways in which you can become a part of the article marketing phenomenon. Submitting or using.

Whichever method of article marketing your prefer is entirely up to you, although the former is much better way to attract traffic to your website and the latter should only be used in extreme situations.

Thanks to the wondrous power of the article marketing websites, there has never been a better time for you than now to become a better writer.

Writing Articles For Business Marketing

You see, in order to be able to take advantage of the amazing marketing potential of submitting to an article marketing website, you first have to be able to write your own articles.

For some people who truly enjoy writing content all day long, this will not be a problem as they will be able to crank out great content in no time and flood the article marketing websites with lots of cool articles that everyone will want to have on their websites ? easily getting their names out there so that they can start to establish a comprehensive email list of potential clients.

However, there is that problem that many people face who simply cannot draft an enjoyable document if their life depends on it. If you are one of those types of people, the road to establishing an email list through article marketing will be long and arduous.

Eventually, you will be able to write an article that you deem worthy of submitting to an article marketing website. After some time you may even get a few hits on it and a few unique visitors to your website because of it.

But how much time are you willing to spend on something that may only net you a couple of people on your email list? Instead, why not try hiring a freelance writer.

There are droves of them out there in cyberspace who will work for relatively cheap rates and provide you with decent content (and if you don?t like what they have provided you with, you can always edit it).

Although many article marketing websites require that you write the articles yourself, if you have a ghostwriter do the dirty work for you, you can claim the article as your own and nobody will be the wiser.

Submitting To Article Directories

Once your article writing is finished, it is time to submit your work to an article marketing website. After it has been up there for awhile you will start to see people view it and you may even get a few downloads here or there. It is the downloads that you are really looking for, as it shows that someone found it interesting enough to put it on their website using your name, link, and email address so that people will know who actually wrote the article in the first place ? bringing your website traffic.

Below, you will find a comprehensive list of some of the better article sites on the Internet.? There are literally hundreds of sites, but these are the ones you should start with.

List of Article Directories

Now, you can also use other peoples? articles on your own website if you must, but remember that you have to provide plenty of links to the original author?s website ? a risk that can possibly drive people away from your own website before they are able to enroll in your email list.

Getting people onto your email list through an article marketing plan can be tricky and arduous, but for the most part it is one of the more successful methods for establishing a good client base.

A lot of work must be done before you even think about posting that first article on an article marketing site, but once you are through with that all you have to do is sit back and watch as it brings in more and more potential customers to your website.

With each unique visit, there is another chance that person could sign up for your email list. And we all know that the more people on your email list at the end of the day, the more people you can sell to in order to maximize your profits.

?This is just a small part of volume 1 List Building Mastery. For the complete three volumes,?please contact me here

List Building Revisited

Dear Valued Reader,

Welcome back and thank you for investing your time in this sequel to the List Building Mastery series!

List building is without any shadow of doubt a far important phase and tactic in any business ? online or offline. In the case of Internet Businesses, it?s likened to your pathway to wealth.

For no prospects = no substantial income.

The reason I said ?substantial? is because while it?s true that you can make some sales on and off some passer-bys and visitors to your web site(s), you can create substantial revenue from the same customers OVER AND OVER again (that?s the keyword!) through having your own mailing list.

Guess that?s how the phrase ?the money is in the list? came about. And this E-Book will help you acquire the skill to obtain just that. Now isn?t the skill to make money at will priceless? Hmmm? J

Seeking Expansion And Exploring Leverage In List Building

If you have read and applied the techniques as taught in List Building Mastery 101, you should have a (slightly) substantial mailing list by now using any one or more of the basic methods discussed.

Now is the time to seek expansion.

Some marketers tout the wisdom of ?small list big profits? and the reason they often say so is that a small-sized but EXTREMELY targeted list of buyers or paid customers can prove to be more profitable than a huge list of only prospects or freebie seekers.

While that is true in many cases, you will ultimately want to have a huge list of BOTH paid and prospective leads, for it is the BEST case scenario!

This book discusses more advanced techniques on list building, continuing from where we last left in the previous book in the series, revealing further and more sophisticated techniques that you can use to expand your mailing list size further? and at warp speed!

Let?s continue, shall we?

Chapter 7: Compound List Building with Resell Rights

As you may well know by now from the last chapter in List Building Mastery 101, creating special reports is a great way to market your business.

You can use those reports to build your credibility, raise the awareness of your company, and acquire qualified lists of emails for potential clients. In order to truly spread your special report around, which is how you get the most benefit from it, you should look into granting resale permission for the report.

Once you have written your special report, you have to find a way to make sure people are reading it. After all, getting people to read your special report is the only way to reap the other benefits of writing one.

As you will see, there is a lot to be gained from resale permissions. In addition to that, it is easy to get started once you have written your special report. Finally, you will see that your email list may just be the biggest winner in the resale permission game.

What is Resale Permission?

You may have heard the phrase ?resale permission? before, but it is possible that you didn?t know what it meant.

Basically, if you grant resale permission on a special report you wrote, you are giving another person or company permission to sell or distribute your report and collect any profits for themselves entirely.

While that sounds like a great deal for the person to whom you grant permission, it is also a pretty good deal for you and your company. Of course, first you have to understand how to do it.

How to Give Resale Permission

Giving resale permission in and of itself is not difficult, but you want to make sure you do it the right way.

Remember that you want to make it easy for your special report to get spread around. That means that you need to grant your resale permission the right way.

The best way to get started is with an opening statement that outlines your resale rights terms. Now, for some resale rights, you can offer up minimum resale prices, restricting free giveaways, and even restricting membership site usage.

However, if you are trying to spread a special report to build your business and your email list, then you should consider making your resale rights simple and easy to get. The easier it is for someone to acquire the rights, the more likely they are to take on your report and start selling and giving it away.

When you are trying to expand an email list, you need to make sure that you do add one resale right permission restriction. You need to make sure that the main text of your special report stays unchanged. That will ensure that links and references to your website or company and thus assist you in growing your list.

Overall Benefits of Granting Resale Permission For Your Special Report

When you choose to offer resale permission on your special report, you can gain a number of advantages.

For one, by granting resale permission, you are encouraging others to spread your report. That means more eyes reading the report and about your company.

Secondly, offering up resale permission gives you credibility. As other read the report and it is being resold, you become more of an authority on your subject and, by manner of extension, so does your company.

Finally, you create a viral situation. When you offer easy to get resale permission, you are basically enlisting a large number of people to spread your report one way or another. That just helps the word spread that much easier.

Email List Benefits of Giving Resale Permission

What, though, does this all have to do with expanding your email list with qualified potential clients?

Simply, when you wrote your special report, you should have done so with proper wording and links so that your opt-ins would grow. With such links, references, and other referrals coming from your special report, you are looking for a way to get that report in front of as many potential clients as possible. So by granting resale permission, you are creating a way to get your report in front of more people.

The more people you have looking at the report, the more people you have getting the opportunity to look for more information with your company and the more likely you are to get people adding their names to your email list. This will help your email list to not only grow, but also to grow with qualified leads.

As you can see, there is a lot to be gained by writing a special report and granting resale permission to others for it. It is one of the most efficient strategies you can use to get your special report in front of as many people as possible.

Remember to start with a report that actually has value. In addition, make sure it directs people to your company website as well as your opt-in email list in order to build a better list of qualified potential clients.

Finally, give permission the right way. Do not overcomplicate things by putting a lot of restrictions on the resale rights. Instead, make it easy for people to acquire the resale permission and they will be more likely to take it.

Remember, you are trying to get your report to spread. You are not looking to make a profit on the report by itself.

So once you have that understanding, you can just allow people to spread your special report to all those potential clients and members of your email list. Thus if you are looking for a way to spread your special report, check into the granting of resale permission. You will be glad you did it.

List Building Revisited

Dear Valued Reader,

Welcome back and thank you for investing your time in this sequel to the List Building Mastery series!

List building is without any shadow of doubt a far important phase and tactic in any business ? online or offline. In the case of Internet Businesses, it?s likened to your pathway to wealth.

For no prospects = no substantial income.

The reason I said ?substantial? is because while it?s true that you can make some sales on and off some passer-bys and visitors to your web site(s), you can create substantial revenue from the same customers OVER AND OVER again (that?s the keyword!) through having your own mailing list.

Guess that?s how the phrase ?the money is in the list? came about. And this E-Book will help you acquire the skill to obtain just that. Now isn?t the skill to make money at will priceless? Hmmm? J

Seeking Expansion And Exploring Leverage In List Building

If you have read and applied the techniques as taught in List Building Mastery 101, you should have a (slightly) substantial mailing list by now using any one or more of the basic methods discussed.

Now is the time to seek expansion.

Some marketers tout the wisdom of ?small list big profits? and the reason they often say so is that a small-sized but EXTREMELY targeted list of buyers or paid customers can prove to be more profitable than a huge list of only prospects or freebie seekers.

While that is true in many cases, you will ultimately want to have a huge list of BOTH paid and prospective leads, for it is the BEST case scenario!

This book discusses more advanced techniques on list building, continuing from where we last left in the previous book in the series, revealing further and more sophisticated techniques that you can use to expand your mailing list size further? and at warp speed!

Let?s continue, shall we?

Chapter 7: Compound List Building with Resell Rights

As you may well know by now from the last chapter in List Building Mastery 101, creating special reports is a great way to market your business.

You can use those reports to build your credibility, raise the awareness of your company, and acquire qualified lists of emails for potential clients. In order to truly spread your special report around, which is how you get the most benefit from it, you should look into granting resale permission for the report.

Once you have written your special report, you have to find a way to make sure people are reading it. After all, getting people to read your special report is the only way to reap the other benefits of writing one.

As you will see, there is a lot to be gained from resale permissions. In addition to that, it is easy to get started once you have written your special report. Finally, you will see that your email list may just be the biggest winner in the resale permission game.

What is Resale Permission?

You may have heard the phrase ?resale permission? before, but it is possible that you didn?t know what it meant.

Basically, if you grant resale permission on a special report you wrote, you are giving another person or company permission to sell or distribute your report and collect any profits for themselves entirely.

While that sounds like a great deal for the person to whom you grant permission, it is also a pretty good deal for you and your company. Of course, first you have to understand how to do it.

How to Give Resale Permission

Giving resale permission in and of itself is not difficult, but you want to make sure you do it the right way.

Remember that you want to make it easy for your special report to get spread around. That means that you need to grant your resale permission the right way.

The best way to get started is with an opening statement that outlines your resale rights terms. Now, for some resale rights, you can offer up minimum resale prices, restricting free giveaways, and even restricting membership site usage.

However, if you are trying to spread a special report to build your business and your email list, then you should consider making your resale rights simple and easy to get. The easier it is for someone to acquire the rights, the more likely they are to take on your report and start selling and giving it away.

When you are trying to expand an email list, you need to make sure that you do add one resale right permission restriction. You need to make sure that the main text of your special report stays unchanged. That will ensure that links and references to your website or company and thus assist you in growing your list.

Overall Benefits of Granting Resale Permission For Your Special Report

When you choose to offer resale permission on your special report, you can gain a number of advantages.

For one, by granting resale permission, you are encouraging others to spread your report. That means more eyes reading the report and about your company.

Secondly, offering up resale permission gives you credibility. As other read the report and it is being resold, you become more of an authority on your subject and, by manner of extension, so does your company.

Finally, you create a viral situation. When you offer easy to get resale permission, you are basically enlisting a large number of people to spread your report one way or another. That just helps the word spread that much easier.

Email List Benefits of Giving Resale Permission

What, though, does this all have to do with expanding your email list with qualified potential clients?

Simply, when you wrote your special report, you should have done so with proper wording and links so that your opt-ins would grow. With such links, references, and other referrals coming from your special report, you are looking for a way to get that report in front of as many potential clients as possible. So by granting resale permission, you are creating a way to get your report in front of more people.

The more people you have looking at the report, the more people you have getting the opportunity to look for more information with your company and the more likely you are to get people adding their names to your email list. This will help your email list to not only grow, but also to grow with qualified leads.

As you can see, there is a lot to be gained by writing a special report and granting resale permission to others for it. It is one of the most efficient strategies you can use to get your special report in front of as many people as possible.

Remember to start with a report that actually has value. In addition, make sure it directs people to your company website as well as your opt-in email list in order to build a better list of qualified potential clients.

Finally, give permission the right way. Do not overcomplicate things by putting a lot of restrictions on the resale rights. Instead, make it easy for people to acquire the resale permission and they will be more likely to take it.

Remember, you are trying to get your report to spread. You are not looking to make a profit on the report by itself.

So once you have that understanding, you can just allow people to spread your special report to all those potential clients and members of your email list. Thus if you are looking for a way to spread your special report, check into the granting of resale permission. You will be glad you did it.

This is just a small part of volume 2 List Building Mastery. For the complete three volumes,?please contact me here

Bringing Your Online Business To The Next Level

Dear Valued Reader,

Welcome to the last sequel in the List Building Mastery series, where you will discover some of the most hardcore list building strategies as used and practiced by TOP Internet Marketers and gurus from around the planet!

Now I am going to confess that it?s not going to be necessarily easy to execute any one of these Master?s Level of list building techniques, as they certainly require more practice backed by experience to leverage on them.

But it is a worthwhile learning journey as these list building techniques has been responsible for income breakthroughs of many an Internet Marketer, some who brought in thousands, potentially tens of thousands of red hot leads in a short time span, some literally overnight!

I won?t stall you any further as I could almost feel your excitement. Let?s move on!

Chapter 11 Recruiting an Army of Affiliates

If you are an Internet marketer, one of the keys to a successful business will be your ability to bring potential customers to your website. The best way to do this is to find a way to build large email lists of these potential customers. One of the most common strategies for doing this is purchasing opt-in co-registration lists.

An opt-in list, as you already know by now, are those where the customer has checked a box on a site saying that they are willing to receive information through their email for different products.

Building, or buying, these email lists are what will make the difference to a successful Internet marketing business. It does not matter what you are offering on your site, products you want to sell or services you are offering, if you do not have the traffic to your site you will not make money.

IMPORTANT! You should not purchase lists that are not recently generated or that are not opt-in generated. If you do then you will not add to the success of your business but will find that too many of your leads are cold and you have spent money for very little benefit to your business.

Affiliate Programs Exposed

Another way to drive traffic to your site is to become part of an affiliate program. This can be done either by joining an affiliate program that is already showing signs of success or by making one yourself.

Joining Affiliate Programs

Joining an already established affiliate program has several benefits. Obviously the first one is that the program is already up and running and so there is less work for you to do and less time to wait for results from the program.

You would need to search the Internet and locate affiliate programs that are related to what your product or service is. It would make no sense to sign up to any program if the topic is not close to what you are doing.

This does not mean that you should be concerned that you are signing up in a program that is run by your competition.

In reality any affiliate program you join that properly reflects what you are marketing on your website will have other members who potentially are your direct competitors.

This does not matter. Customers will shop around. If what you offer is a better product or service, with better financial considerations the customers will come to you.

This gets others to help increase your business prospects. What you want to do is get the affiliate programs to work for you. In this way you create your own email lists, use ones that you have bought and bring them all together through an affiliate site which will not only generate potential customers for you but potentially earn you money as you send customers to other sites.

With affiliate programs, if you join them, then you get commission on their sales. This can be an nice perk as you work to bring traffic to your site.

Creating Your Own Affiliate Program (RECOMMENDED!)

If on the other hand it is your chose to create your own affiliate program you have the advantage of being able to have it exactly the way you want. Just remember as your affiliate site grows and is successful your will be paying commissions to others on your sales.

This is true of our own program or one you join. This practice is a reasonable one since what you are doing is attempting to get people to your site and the more methods you have that you can use the better.

Think of it like having salespeople in your store. You would have to pay them a commission or salary to sell your goods. This is more or less the same thing.

With your affiliate site you will need to generate interest for the potential customer to come there and for others join. One way to do this is to have lots of interesting information for potential customers to read. These are usually in the form of articles.

These articles should be related to your product or service, but not all of them should be solely with the aim of selling.

You will find that sometimes a less pressured sales pitch will attract more customers. Still you want to provide lots for them to read that is related to your Internet business.

Another way to bring people to your affiliate?s site is make sure these articles have lots of keywords. Keywords are what the average person uses when they are searching for something on the net.

For example, if a person is looking to buy a rattle for their friend?s new baby, they will likely write in the words baby rattle, but they may also put in the words baby gift, new baby, baby toy etc.

So, the more words that you can put in your articles that will come up in their search the more likely they will visit your site. You do not put the keywords in just once but several times so that your articles will come up nearer the top of a search.

When creating your affiliates program you will want to have an interesting lead in for others to use. Pay per click is another option for you through your affiliates program.

These can be highly successful but are often difficult to monitor. They can easily be abused by others to generate an income for themselves while not truly sending any traffic to your website.

Remember your affiliates program will generate your own email leads. As long as they are opt-in generated you also have the option of selling these lists. But most importantly you have them available to use along with any lists you have paid for to generate more traffic to your site as well as to help the customers who have joined your affiliate program.

A common piece of advice to those who are trying to start up an affiliates program or just get an Internet business rolling is once you have discovered something that works, stay with it, then repeat it and continue your success!

Chapter 12: Leveraging on Joint Ventures

Electronic communications are the simplest way to sell your good or service today. As such, it only makes sense to continually expand your targeted email list. But how do you go about doing this? One of the easiest ways is by networking with partners who also have email lists.

However, if you are going to be effective with this, there are several things you have to keep in mind. Here are some tips on how to find partners with the tight type of email lists, and also how to use those lists to the mutual benefit of both parties:-

Where To Look For Potential Partners

One of the first places to check for potential partners is among professional associations.

Often, you can build rapport very quickly with others who are in some way connected with the same general area of expertise that you offer with your service or product line?.

This is just a small part of volume 3 List Building Mastery. For the complete three volumes?please contact me here


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