Sunday, January 15, 2012


I'm trying to get back into writing so I can publish myself, In doing so I've begun doing 30 minute one-offs just to get the creative juices flowing for my next project. All it is is I take a Queue from someone, and do a creative writing in thirty minutes. This is my first which I got from my tumblr, criticism is encouraged.

By the way, the queue is "Small town Robbery"

The black Sedan pulled into the parking lot., it was raining, in the middle of the night, a good night to do wrong.

?You ready??

?Hell yea brah.?

The two young white males unbuckled their seat belts, and each lit a cigar rolling down the tinted windows slightly. The faint smell of white grapes filled the car, mixed with the smell of burning tobacco. They game themselves a moment to think, and reflect on what was about to happen. The passenger spoke first.

?We ain?t gonna be hurting anyone huh? I mean sure we need the money, but ain?t right ta hurt a man.?

?Well, reckon as long has they don?t give any shit, isn?t a reason to hurt anyone. If they try and pull something though, I don?t have a problem popping one of those terrorist sand monkeys ?tween the eyes.?

The driver pulled a Glock from the waist band of his jeans, pulling back the action to confirm the presence of a bullet before releasing and ejecting the clip, again confirming the presence of red neck America?s favorite favorite commodity.

?What the hell man, why bring a gun, something goes wrong and that?s gonna give us a right fine charge, you know that, you?re old man?s a cop for gods sake.?

?Sure he is, sure enough, it?d give us a higher charge, but nothing is gonna go wrong, don?t think about backing out on me neither. You?re the one got that junior girl knocked up and needs the money, hell I?m here to help you, and if I manage to get a little bit of money in the process then so be it. Remember you?re the one who decided that the pill was enough and wanted to go bare-back. Allergic to latex my ass.?

The cigars were half gone now, a final drag to prepare. This could be the beginning of a life of crime, or just a one time thing, who really knew. A convenience store only had what, maybe a few thousand dollars on hand? This town was small anyway. They had traveled most of the night to get here, ?borrowed? a car half way and now they were about to rob an Arabic-run store. The place was filled with the local football team?s merchandise, the same team the two of them had played for just a year ago and taken to the state championship. Back when life looked promising, before they, well before the passenger had decided to go and start fucking around. Now he might as well be tied down at home, no collage ball for him. He?d probably have a shotgun wedding too, knowing the girls father.

The pulled up their hoods and pulled down their masks, each a characterization of fifty cent. The two boys slid on leather gloves, no sign of skin color. Perfect, There were no patrons left in the store. The threw out the cigars, and opened the doors, leaving the keys within for a quick escape. The hadn?t gotten out yet, doors wide open and the two nodded to each other. The driver made his voice deeper and spoke with a urban accent now.

?Aight ma nigg lets roll.?

They jumped out of the car and ran into the store. The driver pulling up the gun as soon as they entered.


Calmly the clerk looked at the duo, and pulled a shotgun from just below the counter, blasting the gun-toting leader. He turned then to the passenger frozen as he friend fell to the ground.

?You fucking pricks think I am stupid? Middle of the night, raining and some guys sit in the parking lot for ten minutes before even opening the doors? Fuck that, No one up to good does that at a convenience store. This is my life you think I?m just handing it over? No this is America, where I have the right to defend myself and my family. You little fuckers are not taking what is mine away from me.?

The passenger was still paralyzed, his friend bleeding onto the floor, dead. Then he made the stupidest mistake of his life. He put his hand by his pocket, and the clerk shot again. The pellets tore through his flesh. He had lead a good life, and had made only two mistakes. One fuck up can ruin your life, two can end it. It was raining, a good night to do right.

Also, feel free to give me a queue.


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